

Reference thermometer calibration thermometer kuwait

Brand : Image Brand
Stock Status : Contact us for delivery
Brand : Image Brand
Stock Status : Out of Stock

Part Number : 222-055

The reference thermometers are high accuracy PT100 instruments that come with a 5-point UKAS Calibration Certificate. Each certificate shows deviations from standards at four different checkpoints: -18, 0, 40, 70, and 100 °C. Special ranges can be certified with the help of the ETI UKAS calibration laboratory. When used in conjunction with a stable temperature heat or chill source, reference thermometers are ideal for comparing the calibration and accuracy of other thermometers and probes. The instruments measure temperature with a resolution of 0.01 °C and a system accuracy of 0.03 °C (-49.99 to 149.99 °C) 0.1 °C (-150 to 200 °C) over the range -199.99 to 199.99 °C.

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