

Lascar EasyLog | EL-GFX-DTP+ High Accuracy Dual Channel Thermistor Data Logger with Graphic Screen and Audible Alarm kuwait

Brand : Image Brand
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Brand : Image Brand
Stock Status : Out of Stock

Part Number : EL-GFX-DTP+

This USB data logger records over 250,000 temperature readings in one or more sessions for up to 4 months. It has user-programmable audible alarm thresholds with highly visible confidence/alarm LEDs. Inside the rugged case, buttons for start, stop and restart and a graphic LCD with on-screen menus provide real-time analysis of data as a summary or as a graph. EL-WIN-USB enables quick configuration and data download via the USB port. Supplied with two high accuracy thermistor probes and batteries, the EL-GFX-DTP+ is a popular part.

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